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700 Publications and 25+ Years of Research – Lessons for Today’s Clinical Studies​​​​​​​

ECM remodeling is a fundamental driver of more than 50 chronic diseases, contributing to over 35% of deaths in the Western world. To restore organ function, we must understand and quantify ECM turnover—a crucial step in advancing patient care.

In this webinar, Dr. Karsdal will highlight the most influential findings from global collaborations and his own research, focusing on the balance between tissue formation and degradation in both healthy and diseased organs. With three letters of support from the FDA over the past three years emphasizing ECM biomarkers, this session will showcase real-world applications of ECM modeling in patient treatment.

Dr. Karsdal will share key findings from his own research and collaborations, highlighting how the structure of healthy organs changes when affected by disease. By examining the balance between tissue formation and degradation, we gain crucial insights into the progression of chronic diseases. The common mechanisms of ECM turnover in the lungs, liver, heart, kidneys, skin, joints, and intestines also apply to solid tumors, making ECM modulation a critical factor in treatment strategies. With three FDA letters of support in the past three years emphasizing ECM biomarkers and turnover, this session will showcase compelling real-world examples of how controlling ECM remodeling can directly benefit patients.

We prepared nine key topics of the most prominent ECM research of the past 25+ years that you can apply in today's clinical research. These topics will explore how ECM remodeling influences disease progression, the role of biomarkers in precision medicine, and the impact of targeted interventions across multiple chronic conditions.

Webinars - ECM Congress (
60-70 minutes presentation followed by 20-30 minutes of audience Q&A.​​​​​​​

Expected duration
90 minutes

Key topics
1. The central role of ECM remodeling in over 50 diseases

2. Collagen formation outperforms liver biopsies in predicting outcome

3. Linking human genetic mutations to skin diseases

Human genetic mutations linked to collagen type 6, 7 and 17 in systemic slecoris (SSC), hidradenitis suppurutiva (HS), and atopic dermatitis (AD).

4. Doubling of response rates in solid tumors by serological assessment

5. The collagen hormone Endotrophin & the cardio-renal axis in the metabolic syndrome

6. Endotyping fibrostenosis with genetically validated biomarkers

7. Quantifying tissue destruction in auto-immune disorders

8. Linking endotypes with disease trajectories in respiratory diseases in COPD and IPF

9. Identification of treatable and druggable endotypes in osteoarthritis

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